Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Quit Smoking Benefits - How Difficult Can It Be

Giving up an addiction which you've had almost all your life can be very difficult. Many smokers who want to quit their unhealthy habit at times hesitate in moving forward with their decision to quit smoking simply because they feel that it's too late or it's too hard for them to quit. Fortunately this is not the case. Nowadays, getting over any type of unhealthy addiction is not a dream but a reality.

The whole quit smoking process takes relatively a long time and requires dedication, determination and courage by the smoker. Although at first it may be painful to stay away from being addicted to nicotine, as a smoker who needs to quit, it is best to focus the mind on the quit smoking benefits that can be reaped with time.

It's no secret that smoking causes all sorts of cancers and different types of sicknesses, regardless of a persons gender or age. Experts say that each time a person smokes a cigarette; he or she will be losing their life span, health, money and also respect. We live in a world where there are so many anti-smoking agencies and institutions working against smoking. For this reason, smokers are generally not seen in a respective angle. So why not start to think about the quit smoking benefits and get away from the addiction instead of losing all these for a cigarette?

Health is wealth. If someone suffers from ill health, what use would it be to earn millions? There are many quit smoking benefits, but the most important can be stated as good health. It does not matter if you've smoked for a few years or have been a chain smoker all your life; what matters is the decision to quit. Starting from that point, a person will be able to live a richer life with lesser infections causing him or her to suffer in a hospital.

Quit smoking benefits not only help a person improve their health and increase their duration on earth, it also can have a positive spill-over on their social life. Quitting smoking would mean that a person will have a lower risk of developing cancer or heart diseases. It would mean that the person will breathe in fresher air instead of the cigarette smoke. There will be lesser instances of coughing and panting.

Quit smoking benefits are endless. Smoking can effect adversely on an individuals sexual health. If you are a female smoker, then your chances of getting pregnant would be very low. Unlike in the past, you'd have whiter teeth, fresher breath and also a higher energy level. It would also mean that your family and friends will be able to breathe in fresh air. Another benefit is the savings on your purse. Cigarette packs are costly. Quitting smoking would mean that the money that was spent on cigarettes could be used for other causes, such as pampering yourself with luxuries.

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